NKT contributed with expertise in design, manufacturing and offshore installation. All cables were produced in our high voltage cable factory in Karlskrona, Sweden. For Johan Sverdrup we delivered the world’s longest extruded DC submarine cables without offshore field joints, 2 x 200 km. Using our state-of-the-art cable laying vessel NKT Victoria we successfully installed five of the seven projects under challenging conditions including operations in close proximity to offshore platforms as well as cable laying adjacent to
significant amounts of existing infrastructure on the seabed. The remaining two projects were successfully installed by other marine contractors.
Onshore converter stations turns the power into DC and transmits it to the Johan Sverdrup platforms where it is converted back into AC and distributed to the rest of the platforms.
Due to a great teamwork with the customers and subcontractors we managed to bring the projects safely to the finish line, without incidents or accidents, and performed all installations on time and cost, even during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic during 2020-2021. In 2022 we finalized the last submarine pull-ins to the distribution platform, bringing the power system online.
The completed DC links have a combined capacity of 400 megawatts (MW). This reduces CO2 emissions by a total of 1.2 million tonnes per year and is equivalent to 2.5 percent of Norway’s annual emissions in 2022.
NKT is proud to have enabled and supported Equinor and Aker BP to the maximum utilization of power from shore capacity in the Utsira High area.